REDINHA Area- At 13 Km from Pombal

There are 3 Climbing Zones in Redinha:
Senhora da Estrela ,  Vale de Poios  and Buracas do Cagimil
( Topos at bottom of this page )

How to go to Redinha Area:

Take the motor way between Lisbon and Porto,  and get out to Pombal village at the sign. See the road map.

Road map

Croquis map

In Pombal take the old Nacional road N1 and go in direction of Coimbra. Some 10 Km from Pombal reduce speed near the Gas Station GALP because 100 m down will appear at your right the sign to Redinha . Now :
How to go to Buracas do Cagimil 
Don't turn to Redinha ! Go in front to Arrifana, and there turn to Peixeiro and Furadouro. A little more meters is the Cagimil zone where are the Sectors of : Vaca Voadora and   Eldorado
How to go to Srª da Estrela :
You must turn to Redinha  trough the village. At the rotunda centre turn to right in direction to Poios. You will see the sign to Poios where you turn and pass trough the small village. From this place it will seen the mountain Senhora of Estrela. Go to the Chapel in the mountain and you will be at the Capela Sector.

Sectores in Senhora da Estrela are Senhora da : Fendilhona, Caveira, Camisola, Parque, Árvore, Bivaque do Caracol  e Capela 
Some people says these are the ideal routes because you can secure in you car ! ...
How to go to
Valley of Poios zone :
When you arrive to Poios  take the access to the valley where there are 5 sectors : Ponta do Vale, Manos, Micro-ondas, Sombra and Cabras
Course to Sicó

Where to stay

Is possible to camp near the routes . Keep the place clean as a normal climber.
At the end of a hot climbing day it is possible to take a bath in the river in Redinha, just near the bridge in water fall.
During the summer nights take care with the mosquitos near the routes if you camp there. They are thousands from the caves and it recommended to use a repellent.
In the rainy days the caves can be used as refuge.
To eat, go to the nice and good restaurant 200m on the top back of the routes. It is opened until the 02 AM if you reserve the dinner for at least 12 climbing friends.

Rock type

Rock is grey limestone with a lot of holes for the fingers . . .

Easy access to routes

The routes

Routes are between 15 and   25 meters high and levels are between III and 8a all the route are very well equipped .

Topo  of   -  Srª da Estrela
Topo  of   -  Vale de Poios
Topo of    - Buracas do Cagimil

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